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Thursday, 24 February 2011

Transfomation Of The Week

Jon Fildes Added 33 Pounds Of Muscle And Found A New Passion For Bodybuilding!
Jon Fildes Added 33 Pounds Of Muscle And Found A New Passion For Bodybuilding!

Jon Fildes didn't want to start of college as the scrawny kid so he changed the way he ate and excercised. Read on to see how his hard work in the gym paid off.

Vital Stats
Name: Jon Fildes
Jon FildesJon Fildes

 139 lbs 
Body Fat:

 172 lbs 
Body Fat:
 14 1/2" 

Why I Got Started
Growing up I was quite an average size until the age of about 12 to 13. When I reached this age I got into competitive tennis and played many hours a day for about 5-6 days a week. When I was playing this much I didn't increase my calorie intake much at all so as a result my weight dropped rapidly and I became very skinny.
As I reached the age of 15 I began to take tennis a bit more seriously and realized that I was not as strong as the other players at tournaments and this was hindering my performance as I simply did not have enough weight behind my shots. Having just finished school at 15 I came home and went into my room. I was due to start college in the next few months and didn't want to be the same skinny boy going into college for obvious reasons. I went to my mirror and took my top off and right then and there I made a promise to myself to dedicate to training hard and packing on some muscle mass.
I Made A Promise To Myself To Dedicate To Training Hard And Packing On Some Muscle Mass
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I Made A Promise To Myself To Dedicate To Training
Hard And Packing On Some Muscle Mass.

How I Did It
By the time I went to college I had put on just under a stone from lifting at my local gym but didn't really know what I was doing and didn't pay any attention to nutrition. During college my interest in the gym grew as I began lifting with a friend and I began to enhance my knowledge of weight training.
In the next year I put on more weight but noticed that I was putting on a lot of body fat which made me look kind of fat which was not appealing to me. I decided to devote time and effort into finding out information on nutrition as well as proper weight training form, exercises and overall weight training information. During my second year at college I began to see great results through cleaning up my diet and training properly.
I lost about a stone in body fat and had achieved a much better shape to my frame. My passion for bodybuilding grew and grew and half way through my second year at college I decided this is what I want to be doing. I am just about to start university to study fitness and personal training and am excited to be enhancing my knowledge as well as my personal results.
I aim to be a high quality personal trainer and start up my own business so that I can help others achieve their goals and fitness aspirations. I would also like to compete in a show in the near future so that I can take another step in my bodybuilding journey.
I Began To See Great Results Through Cleaning Up My Diet And Training Properly
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I Began To See Great Results Through Cleaning
Up My Diet And Training Properly.

I personally don't use any supplements as I feel that it is best to progress by being consistent with sound nutrition and training and by doing this results will come.
I have used protein shakes in the past but found them to be too pricey for me and I get just as good results from using whole foods.

For me diet and nutrition are very important and in my case is what made my results. I believe that results are made in the kitchen and not in the gym.
This is a typical day's diet:
Upon Waking:
Meal 1:
Meal 2:
Meal 3:
Meal 4:
Meal 5:
Meal 6:
Meal 7:
250g low fat Cottage Cheese 100g Greens Beans or Broccoli 1 tbspExtra Virgin Olive Oil or organic Peanut Butter
I drink a cup of green tea about 3-4 times a day which I feel helps keep mymetabolism elevated. I also drink 3-4 litres of water per day to help the nutrients be taken through my body much better as well as keeping me well hydrated and feeling fresh.
I increase my carb intake by about 50g complex carbs pre workout and post workout by another 50g of complex carbs after taking in some fruit such as abanana to aid in the glycogen delivered to my muscles.

I train one day on one day off and mix up my rep ranges from week to week. For example, I will go heavy one week, moderate the next and lighter the week after but still keeping the rep range within 4-12 and 12-15 on most isolation exercises. I mix up the exercises each week and never do the same workout twice. I will apply shock techniques to prevent a plateau as well such as superset's drop sets etc.
I do 30-35 minutes of cardio in the form of stationary bike or walking about 3-4 times a week. This is not on a set day but more when I feel like it.
I increase or decrease my cardio depending on how much other activity I am doing such as tennis. I stick to mainly low intensity cardio as I feel that this targets fats stores much better. However I am going to start doing some HIIT cardio to improve my cardiovascular endurance as well as burn fat more effectively.
When training I focus on training with good form and technique as I feel that this is the best way to stimulate the muscle and break it down. Big weights don't necessarily mean big muscles or a good body shape. Its how you contract the muscles with the weight that you can manage for the set number of reps that you have targeted.
An example of a typical weeks training would look like this:
Day 1: Chest/Triceps
Day 2: Rest
Day 3: Back/Biceps
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Shoulders
Day 6: Legs/Calves
Day 7: Rest

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Pullups For The Beginners

If you're trying to build up your strength then look no further than the pullup. See the benefits that this simple exercise has on the body!

Article Summary:
  • Pullups will help you develop quality muscle, power, explosiveness and body awareness.
  • Wide Grip Pullups and Chins are the two basics pullups each with their own advantages.
  • Muscular imbalance should be avoided and will ultimately cause unnecessary injuries


Old School Pullups

dotLet's face it, a majority of the "old school" moves are hard to perform and people would rather go and perform the "new and improved" methods. This is very sad. Frankly, this kind of attitude shows that people are getting lazy. Old school moves are tried and tested. They worked before and they will certainly still work now! One perfect example is the Pullup.
Pullups are HARD. This is especially true for the beginners. Too many people have committed the mistake of settling with the Lat Pulldown Machine. Boasting around with heavy weights on that machine is not that impressive. I am telling you now that investing the time to be strong at pullups is the way to go! It will develop quality muscle, power, explosiveness and body awareness.
For The Beginners
I am writing this article to focus on those who will be starting from scratch and can't do a single repetition. Those who can only do 3-5 repetitions in Pullups are in the same class as well. If you're a musclebound guy who is a legend on the Lat Pulldown Machine but struggle to do a single pullup repetition, let me tell you that you are not alone. Many "strong heavyweights" experience the same problem due to the total neglect of the movement. Imagine the muscle developments that you will have if you can rep out pullups at your disposal. Is it possible? Of course it is! I have seen heavyweight bodybuilders do easy reps at the pullup bar hoisting their heavy bodies, and get this...while adding heavy dumbbells for extra resistance! Yes people, they have freakishly wide backs. The point that I am getting across here is that it is not too late for anybody to start doing pullup-work. The benefits are tremendous and it would just be plain stupid to pass it up.
If You're A Muscle Bound Guy Who Is A Legend On The Lat Pulldown Machine But Struggle To Do A Single Pullup Repetition, Let Me Tell You That You Are Not Alone
+ Click To Enlarge.
If You're A Muscle Bound Guy Who Is A Legend On The Lat Pulldown Machine But Struggle To Do A Single Pullup Repetition,
Let Me Tell You That You Are Not Alone.
The Basics
There are the two basic kinds of Pullups:
Wide Grip Pullups (Overgrip):
Hang on a bar with your hands more than shoulder width apart. Pull until the bar reaches chin level and then pause. Repeat.
Enlarge Click Image To Enlarge.
Click Here For A Video Demonstration Of Pullups.
It is almost the same as the previous item but having the difference in grip. Your palms will be facing YOU. Same movement involved.
Enlarge Click Image To Enlarge.
Click Here For A Video Demonstration Of Chin-Up.
These two are the traditional forms of doing a Pullup. I am telling you now that there is no version better than the other. Each has its own set of advantages. Wide Grip mainly targets your upper Lats. Chin-ups will aim the lower lat region, middle back, as well as your biceps. Performing these pulls regularly will help you develop the basic foundation of being able to do pullups in order to prepare yourself for the more advanced versions.
Pullup Status
You're current status in doing Pullups should be realized with 100% honesty. Test it for yourself by just hanging on the bar and see if you can do one. Don't be ashamed if you can't do a single repetition because that will change in no time given the fact that you will be investing the time and effort to improve in this area. There is no reason to be discouraged with the result since this will serve just as a gauging process for you to work on. After knowing the harsh reality, write it down. That is your current pullup status! Next thing for you to do is find a bar.
A bar can be found in any playground, in any construction site or even at your own doorway! The word "bar" is just a generic term for something to hang on.
Pull-Up BarSPRI Presents:
Pull-Up Bar 

Perform upper body pull-up exercises to strengthen back and arm muscles with this heavy-duty, steel-constructed Pull-Up Bar. Sturdy doorframe holders and doorway mounting brackets screw...
Click here to learn more. ]
Improving Pullup Status
In order to improve your current Pullup status, multiple methods can be used. No method is necessarily better than the other since different people will react in different ways. One method may not be useful to one individual but can cause dramatic improvements to another. Test what will work for you.

Failure - That point in an exercise at which you have so fully fatigued your working muscles that they can no longer complete an additional repetition of a movement with strict biomechanics. You should always take your post-warm-up sets at least to the point of momentary muscular failure, and frequently past that point.
Rest Pause - Do a set to failure. Rest for 5 to 10 seconds then do a few more reps with the same weight. Do this once or a few times depending on your energy levels and how far you wish to push. With this technique you can take a weight you can only do for a certain number of reps and increase that amount.
Negatives - One or two partners help you lift a weight up to 10-50% heavier than you would normally lift to finish point of movement. Then you slowly lower weight on your own.

Below are two methods you will be using to improve your pullup status:
Static Holds:
This method is basically just hanging on the bar. What you will do is hang on the bar on the top movement of the pullup and hold that flexed position until your muscles fatigue forcing you to drop to the ground. Rest and repeat for another hanging time period. You can use all the different grip variations within one workout.
This Method Is Basically Just Hanging On The Bar
+ Click To Enlarge.
This Method Is Basically Just Hanging On The Bar.
This was the method that I used when I was a teenager. Select the kind of pullup for you to use and jump up so that your chest will be over the bar. Gravity will do its role and bring you down after you jump. With all your might, resist gravity's force when going down. When you land on your feet just jump up again and repeat the negative.
Below are some methods for the individuals who can do a couple repetitions but struggle to get past the 3-5 rep mark:
Pause Reps:
A traditional set is done by doing the movement continuously until the desired number of repetitions is met. Since failure is experienced early in the set, you will need to add rest in between repetitions. For example you are a person who cannot do more than 3 reps on a single set then using Pause Reps will certainly be useful. An example of a set using this scheme will look like this: 1st rep - Pause for 1 second - 2nd rep - Pause for 1 second - 3rd rep - Pause for 1 second - 4th rep - Pause for 1 second - 5th rep - Pause for 1 second. As you can see you just smashed your 3 repetition limit! You can also do this with two reps at a time, or pause less than a second and just let your body land to the floor before going right back up for another rep.
A Traditional Set Is Done By Doing The Movement Continuously Until The Desired Number Of Repetitions Is Met
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A Traditional Set Is Done By Doing The Movement Continuously Until The Desired Number Of Repetitions Is Met.
Full Ladder:
A hybrid of the Pause Reps. You will be doing percentages of your maximum repetition limit mixed with the earlier discussed pause rep scheme. A set will look like this : 1st and 2nd rep - 2 second pause - 3rd, 4th and 5th rep - 3 second pause - 6th, 7th and 8th rep - 5 second pause - 9th and 10 rep. As you can see you've just done 10 reps compared to your 5 rep limit when doing traditional sets.
Carry Over Effect
You might be asking "why bother when you have Lat Pulldowns?" Let me tell you, doing Pullups will have a huge effect on your other lifts. Below are just a few examples:
1. Increase In Grip Strength
An important thing in ALL kinds of resistance training is grip strength. You cannot lift incredible amounts of weight with a puny grip. Your strongest muscles are useless if you cannot stimulate them due to a weak grip. Doing Pullups will definitely improve this aspect since you will be holding up 100% of your bodyweight.
2. Improve Your Overall Pulling Power
Your pulling muscles are composed of your BackTrapsBiceps andForearms. Each of them has staple exercises especially in Bodybuilding namely Barbell RowShrugsBicep Curls and Wrist Curls. What do these movements have in common? All of them have the motion of "pulling". If you want to go extremely heavy on them you need to build some basic pulling power. Pullups will definitely give you that. This will automatically give you a carryover effect on all of the mentioned exercises.
Barbell Shrug
Barbell Shrug
Enlarge Click Image To Enlarge.
Barbell Shrug
Click Here For A Video Demonstration Of Barbell Shrug.
3. Promote Upper Body Muscular Balance
Muscular imbalance should be avoided at all costs. This will ultimately cause unnecessary injuries that will hinder your weightlifting journey. One common cause of these imbalances is focusing too much in pushing exercises (BenchMilitary Press, etc) and neglecting your pulling muscles. Incorporating Pullups will definitely give a carryover effect in promoting muscular balance in your upper body.
4. Improve Your Pushing Muscles
Related to the previous section, incorporating Pullups will develop your pulling muscles and will ultimately carry over to your pushing muscles. Upper body pushing muscles (chest, front deltoid andtriceps) are antagonistic muscles to your pulling ones. This means that when you are doing a pushing exercise, your pulling muscles stabilize the weight and vice versa. As you can see these are just a few reasons why a beginner would want to include Pullups at the start of your program. Do yourself a favor and do so.
Pullups Will Develop Your Pulling Muscles And Will Ultimately Carry Over To Your Pushing Muscles
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Pullups Will Develop Your Pulling Muscles And Will
Ultimately Carry Over To Your Pushing Muscles.
You'll be surprised what two to three times a week over a 4 week period can do for you here. You'll immediately smash old records and set new ones! All methods are applicable to all basic (and even advanced) forms of Pullups. When you are able to get past the hardest phase of performing a single Pullup, the amount of variations and pulls you can do are almost limitless!